6th period.
Sally's class and mine just happens to use the library today.
The pictures are not as salacious as they appear to be.
The body parts and expressions are dumbly expressed.
This blog is so hard to write. I don't know how to organize TRUE camera-whore blogs. Maybe it's my lack of experience. Which is afterall, considered a good thing.
T H E S T O R Y - T O L D T H E J E S W A Y.
David. Trying to explain something very very important. Probably on the elaborating part.
His peers ignore David. All are focused on Leonne (sp?). and the book probably tells better jokes than him.
Hey. listen up. if ya'll don't listen, i'll slap the hell out of you. I'm only saying this ONCE. nicely.
Ok ok. David. I'll listen. snickers*.
David then gives up.
Turns to Gloria. Hey! nice work of art. Since those people ( more snickering) chooses not to listen, I'll talk to you then!
Gloria runs to Jes. I rather camera-whore with Jes instead. haha.
Then Jes goes dumb. Sally and Kai decides to join the fun.
Note sally's hand. Note kai's hand. I can infer they are very excited in camera-whoring with me.( the facial expression on my face is the effect of being the tickled victim. By no means is this an orgasmic feel.)