27 May, 2010


finally got my wallet sized batch via online order!!
the quality is AWESOME!!

: )

i'm soo old schoool :D
I remembered the good ol' times when my friends and I go take studio pics, then trade/give them out to other friends for safe keeping

i still have my old batches! o how times have changed!!

Now we can produce our own wallet sized photos! ;)

this image doesn't do justice!
just think of prom pics quality!!!


waiting for my other batch!

16 May, 2010


Note: I am contemplating about changing the title of my blog. One of my readers has noted that it sounds so "Christian" I didn't even realize! haha

Of the 19 years of my life, I realized that my name is pronounced in 2 ways.

Most of my friends call me "Jes-sic-ca" 3 syllables

However, I am starting to get people that call me "Jess-ka" 2 syllables


Usually when I introduce myself I would pronounce my name with 3 syllables, because...

when my dad named me, my name was pronounced in 3 syllables. Maybe it's easier to pronounce...

now that i think of it, I like my name in 2 syllables more, bc Chinese people like to make fun of my name by the direct translation of "jerk see ka" (BIRD POOP) in Canto...

WHY give me that name!?

I NEVER had birds poop on top of my head before. EVER. or my body.

So i just had people call me Jes. NOT with 2 "s" but 1 only bc the 2nd "S" is silent anyways... I'm not French

there was 1 youtube reader that would sign her name as "Chesska"
I LIKE. I gave that comment a thumbs up just coz I like her name MUHAHAHAHAHA~

From now on. Everyone. CALL ME JES. JESSKA, BUT NOT JESS SIC KA.



JK. call me whatever you want. i don't care =_=;;

but for sure when i intro myself to ANYONE it'll be in 2 syllables. trustt me

12 May, 2010

update + BONAMANA MV came out today!!

will update tmw! this week has been quite busy!!


Super Junior's comeback single "Bonamana" This beat is quite unconventional to pop music due to the employment of 8 beats instead of 4/4. That's why a lot of people are saying there's a "Bollywood" feel to this track. So just count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2...

I say this is awesome...shock people out of 4/4...maybe people will do 6/8..soon, but i doubt because 8 count is as close as it gets to 4...

What do you all think?

From the comments on the video, a lot commented on the resemblance to "Sorry Sorry." I don't see it!! Can somebody enlighten me? :[

11 May, 2010


dragged myself to class today... omgomgomg so TIRED

but the professors were quite fun today

one of them ran around in a circle on stage, and said, "i'm trying to not run so fast so I wont fall down the stage and go 'BOOM'" i laughed...no cackled.

He looks like this:

awesome professor. like his crazy life stories

alrights. but my FAVORITE PROFESSOR at UCLA was

he taught me math 31a whoo~

don't be fooled by his appearence
his voice gets even funnier during lectures
i would say he's highly effective
the only con is if u aren't just taking his class to fulfill a requirement and really in for "learning" then u're in the wrong class
his course is entertainment.

actually, another con is during finals
he's the type to READ your exam after u turned it in hot and fresh
then he beckons his head TA over and cackles at your exam in Chinese
true story. it made me turn in my exam 1/2 hour later than intended

09 May, 2010


hello all readers!

ty for viewing my blog! i really appreciate all of you that took the busy busy time out of your day to read my stories!!

to thank you all, i might post up something cool in the next 3 days!! i dont' know which day, depending on how fast i finish my assignments due the next 3 days ;[

i procrastinated today and hung out with the same 2 ppl for 12 HOURS. there were altogether 5 ppl to begin with, and then it dwindled down to just 3 of us coz it's mother's day. and then we practically just chatted and did hella random shit the whole day...

worth it? ... YES. ALL procrastination tactics are definitely worthwhile if it's some huge studying stint that'll commence for ....HOURS.

mama tang is still home in norcal so i cant really do much
i always want to send her stuff but she'll just bitch me out for being so cheap at what i buy...;|


I LOVE. LOVE. THIS beat. Fedde Le Grand ft Ida Cor: Let Me Think About It

It's just a dance beat folks, don't get too excited and try to search for the lyrics coz it aint there!
i think this is a great track to dance to in a club~

This track is used throughout the recording of on 5/5/2010

If you just want to watch the gist, skip to .51 secs and u'll see "Dance Flow" dancing to the track.


ok. imma outs gotta do HW!!

08 May, 2010


I shall start off this post with a video:

this is a 3 year old dance song. It's still top 20 in mp3.baidu. in the dj charts

Song name:觸電

S.H.E. also has a song with the same title so don't get confused!

Artist: 芭比
... it's ..."ba bi" in mandarin ...reminds me of "barbie" ahha

I like the girl vocals, DISLIKE the guy part. omg why does he keep saying "huh!..huh!" It's such a distraction that I wish his parts were taken out!!

I like how in the KTV, 芭比 did a lot of Vogue-like movements. so cool~

Reminds me of the annoying guy in

well...he's not that annoying. but anywaysss
enough of my music rants lol

07 May, 2010

My Nose Stud Story

Let me begin my post with my face.

if you look closely, u can see my nose stud on my right nostril.

it's really small bc i didn't want a nose ring! n i wanted something cute!

I had this pierced at Freak Chic in Melrose approx. 3 week ago. Mat Joseph is my piercer and he's SO pro at what he's doing that it's worth paying the amount! (wont disclose here but if u pm me i'll let u know)

Well, if you're in the area and interested, I had a 5 Star amazing experience there. YELP reviewers also agree:

I get asked questions from my crazy friends like,

Q: What happens when u get sick?

A: I don't know yet coz i didn't get sick, but i suppose i just have to be extra careful. However, when i blow my nose the air from my nostrils will push my stub upwards (almost a comical effect)

Q: What's really inside your nose? Is there a backing?

A: When i was picking out the stud i wanted, the studs look like this:

After it was pierced, I felt the shape seems like :

so the piercing doesn't just slide out. removing the stud is quite tricky & my piercer suggested i go back to him to remove/change studs

A: No. i felt a tear trickle out of involuntary response, but otherwise i felt no pain. i give it a 2/10 ... LOBES hurt more. trust me.

Q: Was ur nose pierced with a needle or gun?
A: needle. For sanitary reasons, ALWAYS get ur piercings done with needle. I had my cartilage(both sides) pierced with a gun and I am thankful it healed well. I have two lobe piercings each side: with gun and needle. Needle is less painful, and won't pop any arteries and a pro knows how to prevent infections!

So to readers who had their nose pierced with a stud, you may have gone through the process where the stud has SUNKEN into the nose like quicksand. It seems REALLY scary coz it might just sink right into the nostrils and there'll be a HUGE hole in ur nose.
My stud has sunken in the first week, and that is why when I hung out with my friends they thought it was really small. but as weeks go by, my stud grew back out bc my skin is healing, and my friends usually make remarks about how that's the only thing they stare at bc it's SO INTRIGUING.
Also, if your stud has sunken in, do not panic crazily. studs normally will do this. that's why usually pros will reccommend getting pierced with a loop first. Keep pushing your stud up from ur nostrils at all times, and eventually, ur nose will heal and ur body won't reject the piercing. Just clean it!!!

Q: what do u use to clean it? do u use H20?
A: I know other people use H20, but I use a cleanser lotion, given to me by my piercer. I clean my stud and the occasional grime near it with a Qtip dipped with a pea sized amount of c-lotion, then dip the other side of the qtip with water to lightly 'rinse.' I do this two times a day. When I wake up and before I sleep.

Works well. no infections. healing nicely.

Piercing should be healed in 3 months, and it's best to keep the piercing on for a year.

Q: How do u like..wash ur face?
A: be very careful around the pierced area...i'm very gentle with my face anyways

Q: So if you take off the piercing, can u like breathe a tiny bit-ish through ur pierced hole?

Q: Will you ever change your stud?
A: Depends. i m really a lazy person.

02 May, 2010


i hate procrastinating the day before the exam...
i have less than 24 hrs to study ..and i know the midterm is gonna be hard...

i'm going to head to Rieber computer lab and cram @_@

this is how tired i look right now boo hoo ;[