23 November, 2010

my ugly face.

I have given up.

On my eyes.

By the 5th week of every quarter, my eyes puff up

By the 7th week of every quarter, my eyes feel like it's been socked ...

By the 9th week of every quarter, my eyes are puffy, dark, red, and SOCKED.

yeah... puffy terrible eyes..of coz hidden by innocent study-glasses

My only salvation is using makeup for coverage, but I don't even have time to do what I need to do, so what I "want" to do will have to hold off.
but when I have my make up on...different story, U CAN't REALLY tell huh? o wait..i dont think u know that it is the same person

and i tied my bangs up bc it's getting too long..i'll have to trim them soon hahah

Also, I have been practicing my Ruan enough that my pinky knuckles are in pain every time i  move them...2 days ago i had blisters on each finger =_=..which i can't pop but wait for it to harden to calluses..(as you can tell...i have not practiced for a while and then got back to it just saturday..)
and now typing...pain.. but it's worth it.

GOING HOME on thanksgiving! Can't wait yayy~
EDIT: I don't want to go home anymore...it's freezing cold. dipping to low 33 degrees and highest 53 ish?!... COLD COLD COLD! and it's cold in LA enough! and think of all those people standing outside just for black friday...

19 November, 2010

MEET MR. and MRS. Whaley!

Please meet Mr. and Mrs. Whaley. (I know they are from Dr. Suess and what not but I NAMED them Mr. and Mrs. so please DON'T HATE)
I got them from Kohls in Alameda Towne Center (called...Southshore before..can't believe they change that...) coz it was for a children's fund and I was thinking
 I get to do something nice. and it's only $5 EACH!

Mr. and Mrs. Whaley's is comfortable sitting at home chilling and waiting for me to come back during Thanksgiving! YAY! I CAN'T WAIT! :)

Today was a pleasant friday: saw my friend who graduated, and group buddies from HKSS (hong kong student society), they're hilarious!

Listening to  庐州月- 许嵩  I have been into the R&B/Chink-ed out scene for a while, and this is a perfect example. Soothing voice and meaningful lyrics. :) I am feeling the song. brings me back memories I have had suppressed for a long time.

Enjoy and toodles!

14 November, 2010


Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On. 

The song speaks to me. I nearly teared up listening to the lyrics. 

Yeah. The song is sampled. but Songs have been sampled ever since... i mean..western music has 12 semitones...using the semitones are against the law coz we'll be sampling the frequency of the wavelength associated? maybe i'll just make it slightly out of tune (HARRY PARTCH STYLE) so it'll be total 'originality'

Good stuff good stuff 

Lately I'm going through another emotional roller coaster. Sorry to my friends that I blew up on. The Devil made me do it...or you deserved it ...wtvr. just sorry it wasn't anyone else but me that had to tell you the truth

so now tonight is a beautiful Sunday! I am in pain (physical) but that's ok! I am drinking Pepsi coz I haven't ate the whole day, and reading about classical Indian Raga right now...good stuff <3 it

Tmw's going to be another awesome day...a QUIZ. study. more study. I'm really just waiting for next Saturday? ;)