02 May, 2006

Driving Freeways


Driving on the freeway was never fun. Especially if your parents are speed-drivers. This is how fast my Dad drives on the carpool lane. Around 80-89 Mph.

Holly! Wilson said, there's a patrol merging into freeway!

Then my dad slows to a 40 mph.

After one minute or two, Wilson says: "OH, nevermind, it's just a plain Ford Car. "

Dad immediately cusses the hell out of Wilson Tang as he jams on the gas.

This always happens on rides home. I wonder how dad puts up with him. I would just tell Wilson Tang to shut-up and give him a good kick on the butt.



Jessica Tang said...

OH YEA. That happens back in MV, where the police will seek out students riding bikes without helmets or speeding drivers. My dad almost got caught; he came to an abrupt stop, thus the seatbelts strangled wilson and i. -_-.

Jessica Tang said...

OH YEA. That happens back in MV, where the police will seek out students riding bikes without helmets or speeding drivers. My dad almost got caught; he came to an abrupt stop, thus the seatbelts strangled wilson and i. -_-.

Jessica Tang said...

and stupid login and publish box. giving me double comments -_-

Anonymous said...

hehehehehehehe. i've only experienced that kind of driving once. that's how my piano teacher drives -__-; but dude, that's hella funny XD...btw who's wilson?

Anonymous said...

dang yooh musica been bored!!

Anonymous said...

oppz i accidently press enter....i mean dang yoho musta been bored in da car..hahah..n dyz iz julie COW!! =P

Jessica Tang said...

haha. wilson is my younger brother. XD

JEEZ. everyone says that. YEP. i was XD. the scenery outside was a bore anyway.
and thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

I think I can top that: when my dad drives on mountain roads, he goes at about 40 mph, when the speed limit is usually 20-25 mph. Yes, even on the curves where, if we rollover, we roll to our deaths down the mountain...if thet's not scary enough for you, I don't know what is...

Jessica Tang said...

Wow and you made it alive. 0.o
Try that Judy!! See how fun it is. Um. I do not intend you to die. hehehe.