15 June, 2006

phone talk.

My verizon phone.

I have a new phone.

Getting it tomorrow after the salesman have completed the modifications.
It's not just any phone. I will be using it in China.

For Cingular wireless.
I am still currently using my other Motorola from Verizon wireless until the day I depart. So Verizon users can call that phone. Cingular users can call my other phone.

Ask me for the phone numbers via aim at xkrackhead101x.

My Verizon phone looks u*g*l*y.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERIGULAR!!(Ver-Ra-Gul-Lar) LOLZ!!
i call mai frined dat cuz shez verizon n shez going out with a cingular!1 lolz