18 June, 2009


The reason why I haven't posted since I got back home is BC:
so much shiet going on I just can't stop and think at all.
I'm losing my memory at a young age of 18..

Went to my Dr for check up...i said "I don't know" or "I don't remember" to anything she asked. Feel so tired though.

Anyone get this feeling where you feel bloated, and want to exercise, but you're TOO TIRED to? and you want to sleep but cant cuz u dontwant to wake up feeling more HEAVY and bloated. and loss of appetite?

That's me. Since the checkup. Since the Pho I ate after the checkup. Since my blood was drawn after checkup.

Gah. And that. has already been four days.

I really want to feast in LA.


and those stupid cheap-ass apple earphones CRACKED. sigh. must get new ones...time for the uclastore bought earphones...

will update later lor...obviously cannot fxn right now.

3 more days before LA!...not so excited about going back...except Brittney LOL

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