23 November, 2010

my ugly face.

I have given up.

On my eyes.

By the 5th week of every quarter, my eyes puff up

By the 7th week of every quarter, my eyes feel like it's been socked ...

By the 9th week of every quarter, my eyes are puffy, dark, red, and SOCKED.

yeah... puffy terrible eyes..of coz hidden by innocent study-glasses

My only salvation is using makeup for coverage, but I don't even have time to do what I need to do, so what I "want" to do will have to hold off.
but when I have my make up on...different story, U CAN't REALLY tell huh? o wait..i dont think u know that it is the same person

and i tied my bangs up bc it's getting too long..i'll have to trim them soon hahah

Also, I have been practicing my Ruan enough that my pinky knuckles are in pain every time i  move them...2 days ago i had blisters on each finger =_=..which i can't pop but wait for it to harden to calluses..(as you can tell...i have not practiced for a while and then got back to it just saturday..)
and now typing...pain.. but it's worth it.

GOING HOME on thanksgiving! Can't wait yayy~
EDIT: I don't want to go home anymore...it's freezing cold. dipping to low 33 degrees and highest 53 ish?!... COLD COLD COLD! and it's cold in LA enough! and think of all those people standing outside just for black friday...

1 comment:

PinkOrchids said...

I can't tell the difference, maybe stress causes your eyes to become puffy? (lol that sounds funny) But yea, i have a friend that everytime he gets stressed his mono eyelid would become a double eye-lid. =)