omg i hate being up at this late hour...that means i will wake up late tmw...and will barely have time to study what i really need to study...
but done with a performance! YAYY!
(that's what i was in! University Chorus! yay)
too bad i dont have ANY pictures during performance coz i DIDNT BRING A CAMERA and nobody has like.. pictures loaded up on fb so i cant even show yall how AMAZING that was!
HOWEVER, i do have BB uploads of rehearsal time! :)

despite having the 'scare' from professor neuen that we only sold 935 tickets for a 1800 seater venue at Royce Hall, we managed to get FULL HOUSE tonight! thank you for all the supporters! my professor and ta were so hAPPY that they shook my hand afterwards and both nearly teared up bc of the performance =_=;
(i was kinda shocked coz i never expected the professor to take my hand and shake it just like that ...father to daughter style, and didnt expect the ta to hug me and exclaim her happiness either)
...and the fact that out of 150 chorus performers ..they did jsut that...
what sucks is ...THEY DON"T EVEN REMEMBER MY NAME JUST MY FACE.. sucks =_= of the ...morning? I'm still in classical mode right now, so listening to
"Laudamus Te" from Mozart's mass in c minor
well...this soprano is a bit... strong, i guess tonight's soloist was a bit more sweeter* ;) but nonetheless one of the better recordings i can find on youtube!
*=open for anyone's interpretation
o. yeah. and about the performance on was good, but not great. i guess i expected a higher standard for myself when i perform chinese music instruments...and what happened that day was INEXCUSABLE for me. basically ... i made a mistake during the performance of bringing only half the score to perform ...although i was called on last min to perform with a diff ensemble (literally...) i couldn't believe I LEFT HALF MY SCORE IN MY LOCKER. it was something new and a hard lesson learned...
lesson: memorize music....
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