What kind of love, and how deep does it get?
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. tshirt
2. pj pants
that was easy...
Love Survey
You must answer every question 100% TRUTHFULLY!
(the cliche tag line. who in the world ever answers it 100%?!)
[01] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
[02]Have you ever gotten roses?
yeah. 8th grade grad. (hate the thorns, hate the floral smell...yeah i'm a flower hater)
[03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
some chinese drama. ok. would Full House work?
[04] How many times have you honestly been in love?
wtfreak. it's getting deep... once?
[05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
[06] Have you had your heart broken?
I dont even know how that feels. No.
[07]When was the last time u cried?
Just yesterday over something stupid.
[8] Your thoughts on online or long distance relationships.
I have heard pretty good online/long distance relationships. But they are far too few. Long distance relationships would work...if they are...(like the previous survey taker Emily wrote) committed. Pretty rare, yet beautiful.
[9] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
damn. speaking of I dont get this question... Yes? He was my friend before we became more than friends...
[10] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
Hopefully some person would have enough power to change the cheater. No. But I know not to mess around them.
[11] How many kids do you want to have?
I hate this question. He wants 5...!
[12] What is your favorite color(s)?
blue, silver, white.
[13] What are your views on gay marriage?
Give them the freaking right to marry already. Women have come a long way and have successfully gotten their rights. Gay people have their right on this say too. It may be now that are not accepted into society, but to younger generations, this is bound to change some time in the future. Kids nowadays are more tolerant than before.
[14] do you believe you have only one true love?
damn. hard one. I think so. There maybe other petty loves out there that you'd say "I love him", but there's one person out there that you feel damn right special to be with.
[15] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?
79 is a bit too old for ..remarrying would it?
[16] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
uh. since kindergarden? They do have shorter hair then girls. And are a lot more...well, rebellious.
[17] What song do you want to hear at your wedding?
Cliche Canon in D. Played by my fellow orchestra members [crew!!]
[18] Do you Know someone who likes you? Do u like them back?
[19] Do you like anyone?
Him. Trying to test me!?
[20] Do you think they know that you like them?
He better be telling the truth when he told me those 3 words... He'll be fried if he's lying.
When you are finished repost this as: L0VE SURVEY
I suppose the middle questions were the worst to answer. I wish I were to go philosophical and can answer them with depth, but my STOMACHACHE is a killer.
I tried WEISEN-U tablets. It says it'll start working in 1/2 hr. But it has been 1, and nothing's happening...except more explosive pounds of pain.

But it's the best one out there right?
It tastes like nothing, but smells like soda crackers!!!
IT's the best smelling medicine around. Perhaps because it's made from Japan...

it's just smells this good..I might even get high from it...

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