I'm back.
for a few reasons
1) when I google myself, my blog isn't top 5 anymore! So pissed off ah! There's some other Jessica Tangs out there, and I don't even know where they came from!
2) To challenge myself. I didn't write for a while, so my academic english stinks! I do write/type a lot, but facebook isn't helping me too much...
3) A good chance for my younger bro to write. There will be appearances from him time to time.
Now, updates about me.
When I last blogged, I believed I was a junior/senior year of high school (?) I don't remember anymore, that was ages (literally) ago. I was on a hiatus for a while mainly to sulk about my declining popularity. Maybe it has to be my ugly face and I need botox or something.
Now, I am a college freshman studying at UCLA!!!!!!!!!!! U C L A fight fight fight!
It's still a wonder how I got into UCLA (as well as other schools...), and I'm so grateful! That was my highlight of my senior year high school amid all that other drama and shit happening.
Now that HIGH SCHOOL was a past, I get copious(my favorite word..) amounts of FREEDOM to blog about ANYTHING I WANT, without my parents grilling me about what I do during my spare time. Gosh. O now you're curious?
8-5pm -lectures and between lectures: SLEEP.
6:30 - eat with friends.
7-10 - facebook/crunchyroll/mysoju/youtube/aim
10-12 - Shower, eat...sleep
I don't really study by the way, I study by sitting/staring during lectures. (absorb about 40% material...follow at your own risk)
Also, I am glad that nobody really frequents this site anymore, so I can leave mistakes lying around and nobody bother pinpointing them! (such as that 5-6:30 gap above) I won't bother checking for grammar mistakes bc I just too lazy to!
Right now, I am at my home sweet home in the Bay Area. Going back to UCLA in 2 weeks. New QTR. More ways to FAIL, and of course COPIOUS amounts of NEWFOUNDFREEDOM!

old pic...it should be last years. Eating Pad Thai at SF. I feel that I have to put a pic up or the blog would be VERY BORING.
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