This is what I brought.

I love chocolate chip cookies, and Costco makes it just right. Not too soft nor crunchy=chewy.
It's freshbaked as well. I couldn't resist getting a box. Luckily my parents agreed. YUM. Cinnamon. that's my breakfast for the remaining school year. I think I'll overindulge.
My excuse is: I'm a growing child. Both my brother's. I love the marble drink SOOO much. and I pretty much forgot how to read katakana aready. so what does that say? anyone?
I like the drink not because of the "drink" itself but of.. Yes. The picture. It's so [kawaii] cute. I couldn't bring myself to throw cute bottles away.
So my mom basically took care of that job.
Last but not least....
Insect Repellent. For China-mosquitoes. Not gonna get me now huh mos-quit-oes?
Now is my turn to say..WOW!!! ok. on with your inquiries. XD
Yep. Only because Wilson asked if we can get sushi and they said yes. lol.
The chox chip cookies WAS FAB. Want some? I can bring them for you on Sat if you'd like.
WHAT!!CINNAMON toast crunch is UBER delicious. It's just high in sugar. That probably insignuates: Beware.
I AM a growing Child. What are u talking about.!?! hahaahha. No really. i am laughing now.
Yes. i doubt that too about your loss of humour. XD
the marble drink comes from Ranch 99. there's a store nearby here and we didn't EVEN KNOW!! wow. so the marble drink costs 99Cents and heck yes i opt for it.
Costco is around a 15 minute drive from home.
uh.. hard to explain "katakana". but those words up there are. XD
and mom in japanese should be. okaasan. -i'm not good with those stuff. they confuse me.
No. insect repellent is used in the summer. i guess i confused readers when i write that. remember the incident i told u about mosquitos and i getting stung everywhere? i was sorta planning on revenge. n no, no china yet. SIGH
u r my BFF u dolt. and my sister too. XD.
No.I'm packing to move back to bay area. dumb dumb.
and OF COURSE. THE jessica tang will never pack SOO early for a trip. that's for last minute planning. XD that's where u come in and RUSH ME on it. lol.
yes. hopefully my comp doesn't freeze as much as well. sigh.
WHAT!! i did eat A LOT!. u ppl just ate MORE than me. and there's not a lot in there. HEHEHE.
we f5 need to head out again. like anywhere. lol.
bowling? I've never bowled, and I know I'm going to SUCK ASS in it. GOD. sally and your funny talks. Although i'd come watch you two and cheer. XD
gasps. GRASS JELLY DRINKS? are you tryint to find a less obvious way to poke fun? lol. Did you buy it from juice-a-go-go? Tell me if it's better than sweetbooth.
SORRIES! I thought I told you. hehe. AW WELL. don't worry. you'll now know my updates faster than others. and I'LL MAKE SURE. lol.
. just check ur email. i'll give u details. after i eat dinner XD.
hahaha. My parents wants heh..what can i say.
otousan is father. okaasan is mother. ojiisan is grandfather. Obaasan is grandmother. and uh the rest i'll just rack my memory even more. XD
ok. cookie tomw it is.
that's why we now use signs like : =D XD =] =[ *__* ^__^ X[ X] X_X and much more. oh and your favorite: $_$
OH no no no. I hope not. I mean I took it aready. It'll mess up the evaluations. Maybe I can do something else. uh.helping out teachers is a no no though.
DAMN. i know. Wilson=evil brother.
I don't know where in Alameda yet. All i know is my parents got everything done. and dad will be driving me back and forth to school. isn't that fun. -__-''. So monday is the day I see the school the first time. EEK. I dunnos if it'll be near yingsi's though, but Alameda's small. so maybe...?
About the grass-jelly drink. GRRRR. that STUPID worker. I'll have complaints ready... jkjk. ah well. it's ok. At least i know i NEED NOT try juiceagogo. XD
it doesn't matter. both blogspot/emails good.
har har. dramatic. XD
haha. no i'll just bring 2 cookies and eat one then u take the other.
Still. People like ME can see $__$ on your face. lol. hmm.
that's quite true about the currency thing. and i just found out CNY is 'china yen". WHAT? why not use RMB? so annoying. X_X
ok. probably a long post in ur email.
Hehe...but now, I have all the info that you gave I can stalk you more than ever!
(BTW, the bottlle says "ramune" in Katakana. Dang, you have to work on that don't you?)
(Don't ask me was ramune means. I have no idea.)
WOW! thanks JUDY!!
i remembered ALL the hiragana, but i forgot the katakana. WE learned that in the beginning of the year! Well Check back often! XD
miss yous
i might visit mv if i can find the time. XD
ask sensei what ramune means.
i'm dying to know. XD
Dude. Now I really want cookies. And cereal. But mostly cookies. When I first tried one of those drinks, it was DEEeeeeEEEeeeLISHUS. But the second time I tried one (I think it was a different brand) it was yuck-yuck. I haven't tried one since .__. But now I want to. And eat cookies XD I'm gonna tell my mom to get cookies next time she stops by Costco :]
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