The long awaited drive, and my bro goes like "Wow, I couldn't even stand the Saturday drives. Now everyday? I don't think I can last."
Nice words. Jynxer.
That's 6:30 am, and that's a lot of cars in the morning. Probably had coffee or that drinkable yogurt from the commercials. I had porridge and had to run. Nearly forgot my backpack along the way.
Where I was sitting at in the office waiting for uh. That woman to help me. I forgot her name, and she was telling me these freaky things like.
In Cantonese:
Woman: Jessica, be a good student, smart in school and hang out with the good side ok?
Jessica: Um. OK.
Woman: Don't hang around with the "bad" people and you will be fine.
In English:
Woman: Have a nice school day.
That mini talk had a scare on me. I hang out with good friends, right?

ELD test? What THE? I'm FLUENT thank you very much. AW well. It was easy for me. No. the tester didn't catch me taking this. XD.
Trying to stay in the office to get over 3rd period. I still hate chem. I guess I'm experiencing near-trauma.
There's that women that asks every student "why are you here?" when he/she walks into the office. Hm. Also very nice.
yes. we thought about the sleep over. but my mom's like she doesn't want to "ma fan" (annoy? can't think of an english word) anyone.
that lady heard mom and i conversing in cantonese so she choose to speak cantonese to us.
hehhehehe. yes. I'm an official eld student. oh. what was funny was the same eld tester tested wilson today.
she looked at his last name and realized we're siblings. the she was telling him how i got full grade on it and such. that kind of scared him off. XD
i think that lady belonged in AUSD. I did tell them but they told me i know 2 languages, hence testing.
I suppose my teachers mistaking me as a FOB as well.
I think you can get a full score. It's like simple english sentence structure.
GONE FOREVER! I'm so sad T____T I'll never see you again. Or maybe I will. We must have faith. FAITH! Have fun making new friends 8D BUT NEVER FORGET THE OLD. ESPECIALLY ME. T_____________T I was gonna give you a souvenir from the Caribbean too >.< But now I have to keep it for you. And every time I look at it, I will think of you :] ESS TWO ESS TWO ESS TWO.
Don't worry Ginny!
i'll visit MV very soooonn.
then we can chat once again.
i just need to know if they let visitors though.
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