So to satisfy many curiousities, I'll show you a little tidbit of how a school day is like.
*note: It is not as accurate as I hoped because I have to respect the student bodies that did not enjoy being in camera.
Today was afterall a NONTYPICAL schoolday. I thought this day would be ordinary but I was dead wrong.
I didn't sleep during Tutorial (description below as u read)
There was a Diversity performance. Which was not quite diverse as the majority of the student body are Asians. Hence the majority of the performances are Indian/chinese dances, chinese martial arts, indian drums. There is one french accapella group though.
Made a new friend.
We were doing excersises in Japanese Class. -__-''. ironically I didn't have pe due to diversity perfomances.
This is how I wake up. Eyes drooping, tries to smile and take in the "Today is a great school day" attitude. Blah. Who am I kidding? Who wants to wake up at 6:00 and go to school lah?
This is the locker I share with 2 other girlfriends. What's here is all their stuff. They all left aready because...I'm late for school again. Dumped my history and Japanese work and left.
Yes. I'm THAT late. This is the Academic Quad. There's also a Rally Court but I don't frequent there as much.
The holy LONG walk to 1st period World literature class. Nah. The room's in the middle there somewhere. The doors swing out so that's what the yellow swipe is for.
This is in my World Literature class. Yes. I still have 8 more days. That's just FYI for some people.
This is Ginny. She's in my World History class and very COOL. So smart it scares me. Oh, and this is my Chemistry [chem.] room. I hope to never ever set foot in it ever again next year.

Today is an exception. Normally I run to Japanese class so I can sleep. It's 30 minutes of Free-catching-up sleep there! If you're wondering the time, it says 9:26.

This is Joselyn. She's very nice. Help me out in Chemistry A LOT. Without her I'd have left Chemistry Honors. So Thank you!
This is the Academic Quad. from another perspective. At first I was at the left corner there. This is brunch time. Heading to 3rd period.

This is my 3rd period classroom from where I sit. Since teachers here prohibit the taking of pictures during classtime, I took this right after everyone left. That's Mr. Schmidt, my business teacher, and a random dude. Mr. S always sits there and does "stuff" with his laptop. No one really knows what he really "does" though.
The front of my World History class. I took this because it's my next period. 4th to be exact.
Brunch. This is my coolass friend Priscilla here! She's cool because 1) she has camera. We brought one the same day! 2) She loves to pose and she does it GOOD. 3) She just is. She's in my Japanese class. Location: Food Court; it's located outdoors.
This is my 5th period math class. The desk with the binder and backpack is where I currently sit. The teacher currently went out to run some errands.
This is Jonathan(sp!?). He's another Japanese class friend. Very cool. Just like Pris. He's getting ready to eat his Togos sandwich. (and I go T__T)
Lunch. Sensei was teaching a few students b/c they wanted extra help. You can see Jonathan in the corner.
This is currently what's in front of me. A computer. With the Monta Vista Website.
Ya know it's so scary how open Monta Vista is. Like this is often what you see right in front of the Girl's bathroom stalls: Like aren't they afraid of people stealing your belongings? Apparently not. If you do that in Oakland Schools, it'll be gone before you even notice. That's why this school is great. So safe and clean. =D

This is the bday girl!!! What she's holding is her presents. Luckily I got her to pose! XD Now that i thought of it, today is my lil bro's bday too. So give it up for both of them! =D
This is what gets funky. The japanese room was cleared in the center, and we're doing a memorizing exercise. It's basically a little excersise of touching our body parts so we can get in sync with JAP vocab.

So that ends the day lah.
Also, shout outs to people that performed in the Diversity Performances 2nd half.
Sorry I couldn't perform! I'll try to do it next year! Next year I'd be ready. I'll attend all my meetings lol.
So: For the Hip Hop kru: To Katherine Woo, and SAMantha tong WOOT!
for CDC solo perfomance: Jenny FONG!! You're soo good!! I didn't really get to talk to you but we know each other and you're great!!
for Martial Arts Club, it goes to Ginny Li and Minjie Chen,
and for Chinese Dance Club: (sorry! the gap is not noticable! lol =D) To everyone in it. All of you were GREAT!!
oOoO your school totally looks cleaner than ours. No doubt about it lol. I want to go to your school just to hang with you =D but I don't know where your school is at haha... Alright, see ya later Jess
-Danny Li
dude, did you see the OTHER martial arts club? they pwned. it was pretty sad T__T
BUT next year WE WILL OWN! but the seniors will be gone so it'll be hard, but if i'm not in it, that means it didn't own, so i left.
i'm gonna miss diversity week. until next year! whee.
dude, tomorrow's my friend's b-day gathering. she's also turning sweet 16 woot.
see you....monday! ZOMG STAR TESTING.
p.s. whoa, dude. the poster above me has the same last name as me...LONG LOST 4TH COUSINS SIX TIMES REMOVED?!?!?
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