23 September, 2010

first day of schoolll

the past month had been sleepless nights.

while all the OTHER kiddies/undergrads are superexcited about getting back to school (horray), my team here is working hard to make their living in the residential halls an amazing year.

already, i have met amazing people...such as these awesome roommates a summer session prior to my first year (yes...u can be in college the summer before college official starts as a freshie) 

so i wanted to make this year an amazing year with awesome people around me. 

so. meet my team everyone ;)

although i've got to say...i don't know each and everyone personally, but they all bring forth so much when teamwork is required, that sometimes, guiltily, i feel like as long as you get ur job done, we don't have to interfere with each other's personal lives...unless u want..ur DRAMA to become ours.

and i like that. i like how i dont have to tell them every snippet of my life...not like they know my life anyways...1) they don't know i have this BLOG. DUGHHFIEU#($)#$

but with every "corporate" team comes with OL drama...well, school just started and the soup's brewing. very mild though...idk who'll be adding spices later...but it's NOT GONNA BE ME I SWEAR.

i'm low key. ;)


i'm prepared for 6 hours of

yap yap yap

from professors...if i have time i'll teach the "perfect zone out mode" -->aka

sleep during class

until then


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