10 December, 2006

CD promo party.

***NOTE: I am back and posting. Yes. you must be proud of me. Welcome To The Realm of Healing blog should have a blog release party similar to Purple Silk Music Edu. Foundation's CD release party. ***

Guess what. I was checking http://www.purplesilk.org/, and I found this in Gallery titled CD recording:

L to R: Annennuh, Seeless, Jes(me)

Smack dabbed right there.
humiliating? yes.
and to further my humiliation, I will also attempt to blog on the website.
if I can blog here, why not there.

and please support Purple Bamboo Silk Music Edu. Foundation by purchasing a CD! The orchestra put forth so much time and energy (not to mention copious amounts of $$) for this project.

If you would like a CD, you may contact the website, or leave a comment in my blog. I promise to have it delivered to you. XD

09 September, 2006

Confined in miseries of anguished paradise

I am confined. Confined from paradise.
Think: You have been walking for hours, in drastic need of soothing liquids, and walla, you have found clean, purified water. The only obstacle is, it's behind bars.


I need thirst quencher....

But whatever. let's concentrate on something else.

Where I am residing.
Summer house.

It's pretty clean; most of the apartments are currently in process of remodeling. That apartment is still in constrution.

I do admit I like this place a lot more then the bustling city of Oakland. Yes, it's super convenient, especially when mom panics for the loss of 2 tablespoons of salt and forces my brother or I to run down to Oakland Supermarket for them. Usually happens around 6:15pm. I doubt it will happen again; It takes at least 30 mins to walk across the dingy Webster tube.

No. that's still not where i'm residing. getting close. =]

Alameda is more like a suburb in comparsion with Oakland; a town compared to SF.

"New York has everything Alameda doesn't." A classmate announced indignantly yesterday. I suppose so. I can't say if that's for better or worse; I'll just let it flow.

Flow until the end of the universe.

Of all Summer House have and have nots, What this place needs are adequate mailboxes.

Those mailboxes are terrible.

1) Hard to open.

2) The key jams everytime it is inserted.

3) I waste at least 15 minutes of my life kicking, jamming, twisting, pulling, and of course, cursing in agony of how dysfunctional boxes can inflict so much mental and physical pain.

And it's not only me that's suffering from Mailbox trauma.

I must say it's a perfect thumb & index finger exersise. Both hands used.

Blah, it's just a mailbox.

A stupid mailbox that we suffer the same twisted finger fate everyday. (Except Sunday of course=])

What can be better then this:

Coming home after a long tiring school day, A.K.A Torturesville?


02 August, 2006

the resurrection of my dear blog.

I'm fully tired.
there's nothing to do. but sitting in front of the computer, with my eyes half open and the pressing need to use the restroom.

oh well.

At least I have the room cleaned.

new blog up tonight!

22 June, 2006


I was buying a SIM card and I've found this:

The LG Chocolate Phone.
This has been released in Asia, mainly in China, Singapore and Korea. It will not be released in the U.S anytime soon.
Greetings. The blurry picture is not what I would expect, but by far, its one of the best pictures I've had of myself so far.
At Guangzhou Baiyun airport. Stare.

Went to Shang Palace in Shangri La. Overpriced Dim Sum, but very good because it is freshly made and NONgreasy. Think of the fatty fatty oils you see when you consume Siu Mai in SF/Oakland Chinatown. Shang Palace has the same richness in their Siu Mai, minus the grease. Not expecting to visit there for a very long time.

I suppose my phone is dependable when it comes to emergency pictures.

Testing my VGA camera phone. Not bad.

These are ALL Converses. ALL. Sigh. the beauty of them...


15 June, 2006

phone talk.

My verizon phone.

I have a new phone.

Getting it tomorrow after the salesman have completed the modifications.
It's not just any phone. I will be using it in China.

For Cingular wireless.
I am still currently using my other Motorola from Verizon wireless until the day I depart. So Verizon users can call that phone. Cingular users can call my other phone.

Ask me for the phone numbers via aim at xkrackhead101x.

My Verizon phone looks u*g*l*y.

13 June, 2006


no camera,
no updates.
will be updating after i BUY myself another camera.
probably update in china.
that'll be a week away.

an update!

no internet.
no pictures.
probably will have pictures from china.
that'll be a week later readers.

30 May, 2006

My attempt at a pictureblog story.

6th period.
Sally's class and mine just happens to use the library today.
The pictures are not as salacious as they appear to be.
The body parts and expressions are dumbly expressed.
This blog is so hard to write. I don't know how to organize TRUE camera-whore blogs. Maybe it's my lack of experience. Which is afterall, considered a good thing.
T H E S T O R Y - T O L D T H E J E S W A Y.

David. Trying to explain something very very important. Probably on the elaborating part.

His peers ignore David. All are focused on Leonne (sp?). and the book probably tells better jokes than him.

Hey. listen up. if ya'll don't listen, i'll slap the hell out of you. I'm only saying this ONCE. nicely.

Ok ok. David. I'll listen. snickers*.

David then gives up.

Turns to Gloria. Hey! nice work of art. Since those people ( more snickering) chooses not to listen, I'll talk to you then!

Gloria runs to Jes. I rather camera-whore with Jes instead. haha.

Then Jes goes dumb. Sally and Kai decides to join the fun.

Note sally's hand. Note kai's hand. I can infer they are very excited in camera-whoring with me.( the facial expression on my face is the effect of being the tickled victim. By no means is this an orgasmic feel.)

Ok. maybe They went TOO far. I am being TICKLED here. dears.

I then did my shampoo commercial. Although the hair doesn't look too convincing. My right hand is not touching my shirt nor my skin. Some had said I was trying to strip. NO.
I even did a finger commercial. What am I thinking lah?

24 May, 2006

My random day.

Note: I haven't been updating this blog for a while. It is not negligence, but how very little comments I have recieved. I do not blame my readers, for this site is virtually boring to say the least; So I'll get a new template, get a chatterbox, and upload some funky blogs. It will remain as a picture-blog, I find it easier to tell my days with visuals.

Be warned: This blog is random.

School has been boring. There's not much going on. Considering nice teachers grading assignments while students chatter.

Unfortunetely, that occurred only in the duration of STAR testing. Do note the CD player. Quite intriguing.

Jes has became a philosophe. This is during 3rd period when I didn't feel like using the computers.

I forgot what I was talking of, but dear sally took this.

Amid boredom, at least a photo was taken in rememberance to it. Here's James. In badminton-pose style.

Taken by Kai.

I haven't done self portraits in a while. Maybe because my face is not necessary something someone would look at.

Nonetheless, myself revealed. Sepia style.

Picture taken by ME, the beloved jes.


13 May, 2006

Asian Branch voluteering.

This blog starts with a cake.

May 13th, 2006. Oakland's Asian Branch Library's 30th Anniversary. Time around 11:00pm.
Sally was suppose to be there, but she has to be SOMEwhere else.

See those balloons? The volunteer/staff workforce did that.

They are:

Kelvin. He's fills up balloons. He looks super happy in this picture. THAT is totally not how he felt though.

But I don't know, he seems too happy for his own good.

The staff members wendie and jun. Wendie was cutting ribbons while jun was helping me wrap the ribbons on the balloon. Nice people. XD

The balloons then gets decorated around the library, then distributed to Children.

The cart to the left is where we worked at. The balloons are put there because there's just space.

About the balloons...

Jane does the job giving it out.

After the balloon work and other prepareness of other stuff, Staff + 2 volunteers gets to chill and eat. I didn't eat with them. They're adults anyway.

I was reading not released magazines and eating spongecake. Lesson: Must stock up on hk fashion.

Bottom half of voluteering.

After the balloon work I get to chill for a bit. So I took random pictures.

Rene. He just posed for me, blurry but still visible.

This is the back door of the library.

This is what I had to do. Stand there and direct people out the back door because the front has been blocked due to kung fu performers.

Like this:

Open the door, then people leave. After that, I go back to this:

Uh huh. same expression.

well, this was an accident. :

I was telling people to come here and ..the picture got taken.

My brother had a job too, walking people outside this door if they need to. It's a long walk, so he has to facillitate in case people get lost. Oh, and he doesnt have the volunteer sign because he left it somewhere.
NOTE our curtious smiles. Really note that.

11 May, 2006


This is where I went today.

ok. fine. This is really where I was suppose to go.

I was waiting in the receptionist room, and so I skimmed across the April issue of Glamour. And THIS is what caught my eye.
I thought it's a new eating disorder. Until I saw the guidelines...

Great. I answered yes to every one of them, and I'm only 15 years young. Preparing our lives for our future. How sleep world has given their cold shoulder on us.


02 May, 2006

Driving Freeways


Driving on the freeway was never fun. Especially if your parents are speed-drivers. This is how fast my Dad drives on the carpool lane. Around 80-89 Mph.

Holly! Wilson said, there's a patrol merging into freeway!

Then my dad slows to a 40 mph.

After one minute or two, Wilson says: "OH, nevermind, it's just a plain Ford Car. "

Dad immediately cusses the hell out of Wilson Tang as he jams on the gas.

This always happens on rides home. I wonder how dad puts up with him. I would just tell Wilson Tang to shut-up and give him a good kick on the butt.
