10 December, 2010


i told myself:

no email for 2 days

now i'm checking it and there's a LOT of catching up to do.

lesson: NEVER stall

Too many time sensitive info!

Alrights. back home.

and already scheduling hangout dates :)
oh yeah. this winter break ima make it special and amazing...

for myself.

duh .
no use wallowing in despair and being negative. :)
my dear friends Casey and Kevin, I'll see you next year!  ;) I'll never forget our awesome day at Santa Monica!! 

08 December, 2010


FINALs are DONE for me.

i know i def got C and higher for all my classes, def 2 classes have As...the rest...is really ?!!??! bc of late submitted assignments ...and late to class...and skip cla...

O WTVR. i'm just hoping that i effing pass my classes ..don't care about honors...if something's not my forte, why force it ..so hard? 

when you can work on something that you are just...  extremely talented at? 

so it's like ...i used to do this: OMG MY MATH IS BAD. then work on math math math and neglect other subjects...my writing skills plummeted. 

then i work on writing , then fail math but amazing in writing...

kinda like that. but now that i'm in college. i choose to concentrate on music. why stress so hard on other subjects when there is one subject that comes back over and over, never leaves you ..it's so LIKE fate. (didn't say it is. i said it's LIKE) 

so i posted this up on fb too: 
i didn't know I look like Cho Hyun-young from Rainbow! crazy... 
link for YOU to find out if you look like a korean celeb...i know it's been out for HELLA long but you'll be surprised how different you change and the matches they put out for u

alright. going back home in a few hours! excited? not really..it's cold dark and gloomy in comparison to the nice nice nice weather in LA ;( 



05 December, 2010

update! awesome performance!

yes. i'm still UP.
omg i hate being up at this late hour...that means i will wake up late tmw...and will barely have time to study what i really need to study...

but done with a performance! YAYY!
(that's what i was in! University Chorus! yay)

too bad i dont have ANY pictures during performance coz i DIDNT BRING A CAMERA and nobody has like.. pictures loaded up on fb so i cant even show yall how AMAZING that was!

HOWEVER, i do have BB uploads of rehearsal time! :)
 this was during the rehearsal of the violin + viola concerto :) the stradivarius was USED! yay! i have never sat this close to watch a rehearsal/performance before! so cool:) 
this is from where i am standing in the chorus :) well.. the girl with curly hair is the first row, i am on the 2nd! ..see the empty seats? we were rehearsing noon time on sat!!! 

despite having the 'scare' from professor neuen that we only sold 935 tickets for a 1800 seater venue at Royce Hall, we managed to get FULL HOUSE tonight! thank you for all the supporters! my professor and ta were so hAPPY that they shook my hand afterwards and both nearly teared up bc of the performance =_=;

(i was kinda shocked coz i never expected the professor to take my hand and shake it just like that ...father to daughter style, and didnt expect the ta to hug me and exclaim her happiness either)

...and the fact that out of 150 chorus performers ..they did jsut that...

what sucks is ...THEY DON"T EVEN REMEMBER MY NAME JUST MY FACE.. sucks =_=

well...music of the ...morning? I'm still in classical mode right now, so listening to

"Laudamus Te" from Mozart's mass in c minor

well...this soprano is a bit... strong, i guess tonight's soloist was a bit more sweeter* ;) but nonetheless one of the better recordings i can find on youtube!
*=open for anyone's interpretation

o. yeah. and about the performance on thursday...it was good, but not great. i guess i expected a higher standard for myself when i perform chinese music instruments...and what happened that day was INEXCUSABLE for me. basically ... i made a mistake during the performance of bringing only half the score to perform ...although i was called on last min to perform with a diff ensemble (literally...) i couldn't believe I LEFT HALF MY SCORE IN MY LOCKER. it was something new and a hard lesson learned...

lesson: memorize music....

04 December, 2010

update! performing!

another performance today!
i'll be performing the MOZART GRAND MASS in C MINOR! that's the beginning -->kyrie ..one of my fav recordings

ima break a leg (figuratively for that ) hahha

but what sucks is, i'll be standing there 1/2 straight singing... and i realized i dont have any flats.. other than blue SANDALS... (think choir dress with blue sandals..>)

and i dont want to stand in heels coz i got blisters from standing with them 2 days ago...

look pretty, feels ugly

alright rehearsal now

23 November, 2010

my ugly face.

I have given up.

On my eyes.

By the 5th week of every quarter, my eyes puff up

By the 7th week of every quarter, my eyes feel like it's been socked ...

By the 9th week of every quarter, my eyes are puffy, dark, red, and SOCKED.

yeah... puffy terrible eyes..of coz hidden by innocent study-glasses

My only salvation is using makeup for coverage, but I don't even have time to do what I need to do, so what I "want" to do will have to hold off.
but when I have my make up on...different story, U CAN't REALLY tell huh? o wait..i dont think u know that it is the same person

and i tied my bangs up bc it's getting too long..i'll have to trim them soon hahah

Also, I have been practicing my Ruan enough that my pinky knuckles are in pain every time i  move them...2 days ago i had blisters on each finger =_=..which i can't pop but wait for it to harden to calluses..(as you can tell...i have not practiced for a while and then got back to it just saturday..)
and now typing...pain.. but it's worth it.

GOING HOME on thanksgiving! Can't wait yayy~
EDIT: I don't want to go home anymore...it's freezing cold. dipping to low 33 degrees and highest 53 ish?!... COLD COLD COLD! and it's cold in LA enough! and think of all those people standing outside just for black friday...

19 November, 2010

MEET MR. and MRS. Whaley!

Please meet Mr. and Mrs. Whaley. (I know they are from Dr. Suess and what not but I NAMED them Mr. and Mrs. so please DON'T HATE)
I got them from Kohls in Alameda Towne Center (called...Southshore before..can't believe they change that...) coz it was for a children's fund and I was thinking
 I get to do something nice. and it's only $5 EACH!

Mr. and Mrs. Whaley's is comfortable sitting at home chilling and waiting for me to come back during Thanksgiving! YAY! I CAN'T WAIT! :)

Today was a pleasant friday: saw my friend who graduated, and group buddies from HKSS (hong kong student society), they're hilarious!

Listening to  庐州月- 许嵩  I have been into the R&B/Chink-ed out scene for a while, and this is a perfect example. Soothing voice and meaningful lyrics. :) I am feeling the song. brings me back memories I have had suppressed for a long time.

Enjoy and toodles!

14 November, 2010


Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On. 

The song speaks to me. I nearly teared up listening to the lyrics. 

Yeah. The song is sampled. but Songs have been sampled ever since... i mean..western music has 12 semitones...using the semitones are against the law coz we'll be sampling the frequency of the wavelength associated? maybe i'll just make it slightly out of tune (HARRY PARTCH STYLE) so it'll be total 'originality'

Good stuff good stuff 

Lately I'm going through another emotional roller coaster. Sorry to my friends that I blew up on. The Devil made me do it...or you deserved it ...wtvr. just sorry it wasn't anyone else but me that had to tell you the truth

so now tonight is a beautiful Sunday! I am in pain (physical) but that's ok! I am drinking Pepsi coz I haven't ate the whole day, and reading about classical Indian Raga right now...good stuff <3 it

Tmw's going to be another awesome day...a QUIZ. study. more study. I'm really just waiting for next Saturday? ;) 

26 September, 2010

beginning of the qtr

Ever have an overwhelmed feeling at the start of a project or academic qtr? I am going through this right now.

I planned out my study list and courses for the qtr, but I don't feel very rigid right now.


Result = class 1 + class 2 + class 3 + performance class 1 + P. Class 2 + student leader duty + X

that X can be ANYTHING.

X may be (2*drama), X may be (10* extra work study ), or X may be (picking up slack for other people) ....


I am not feeling good about this qtr AT ALL.

and I better do well in these classes. I like the topics in these classes...so I should be ..fine?

23 September, 2010

first day of schoolll

the past month had been sleepless nights.

while all the OTHER kiddies/undergrads are superexcited about getting back to school (horray), my team here is working hard to make their living in the residential halls an amazing year.

already, i have met amazing people...such as these awesome roommates a summer session prior to my first year (yes...u can be in college the summer before college official starts as a freshie) 

so i wanted to make this year an amazing year with awesome people around me. 

so. meet my team everyone ;)

although i've got to say...i don't know each and everyone personally, but they all bring forth so much when teamwork is required, that sometimes, guiltily, i feel like as long as you get ur job done, we don't have to interfere with each other's personal lives...unless u want..ur DRAMA to become ours.

and i like that. i like how i dont have to tell them every snippet of my life...not like they know my life anyways...1) they don't know i have this BLOG. DUGHHFIEU#($)#$

but with every "corporate" team comes with OL drama...well, school just started and the soup's brewing. very mild though...idk who'll be adding spices later...but it's NOT GONNA BE ME I SWEAR.

i'm low key. ;)


i'm prepared for 6 hours of

yap yap yap

from professors...if i have time i'll teach the "perfect zone out mode" -->aka

sleep during class

until then


14 September, 2010

update: boards!

tired...less than 4 hours of sleep every night for the past week ;(

and tonight is not gonna get any better!!! I didn't know preparing to take care of residents will be this intense and tiring!!!

with all my <3, blood, sweat, and tears, I present to you one of the sign boards in my building I have been working in the wee hours on

just with these utensils

I still need to design the other board!!! anticipate! and it has to be done tmw ;(

12 September, 2010

03 September, 2010


for the many first times,

i finally realized i m actually appreciated by the little things i do for them.

and i can say things without fear

and be very productive yet having so. much. fun.

thank you ucla orl ;)

i really miss my summer roommates cristal and misha
there are so many things, memories, hobbies we share ;) my first time talking about culture differences, problems with society, sustainability, etc <3 them
;) :]

01 September, 2010

tired from training today.

i was so tired... from doing something like this:

Sunset Canyon's Ropes Challenge Course . 

sorry, i didn't have pictures....but if u just google that..u'll find hella images...

and i'm tired. ..from having to be all professionally in front of people and :) : ) :)  
at them! ahh! and i'm living with the people i'm living with through the year...so i have to be courteous. 
and damn i do a good job. 
i try. 

i dont want to have my faults discovered so..soon..

o wait. there's MORE. i get the WEEKEND OFF to cram my 2 finals...!!!! fuck. life sucks doesnt it. i have to get this done by monday because i have camp on tues to wed... GAHHH!!!! 

28 August, 2010

update! red green show!

had a Red Green Show Marathon!! SO FUNNY OMG
(filled with political undertones though, but can be seen without knowing much of it)
it's canadian based
the episode that i can't stop laughing is

DANG it was


esp. with the Harold in the tent HAHAHAHHAHA

driving to LA tonight... and have to think of getting food, reading this 300 page book!
hope yall summers going well!

17 August, 2010

update: TOK TOK TOK

So I was on QQ音乐 listening to my playlist...

then I saw Tok Tok Tok - Super Junior on the New Songs list

I clicked it. Put on my Headphones thinking it might be some kind of R&B/Pop song

Then I hear pentatonic scales, Trot style (Korean Pop Music developed around WWII)
Sounds like the Enka style in Japan but I don't know if it's developed in parallel with one another.
(UCLA needs a Music of Japan professor pronto..)

I 2xed checked my playlist...

Then no...I heard the reassurance of "Tok Tok Tok"

and it sure sounds like Super Junior ...

Wait. my mistake. Super Junior-T, the second sub-unit of SJ.
more info: click the wiki here!

Now! I don't feel bad liking traditional music! smug* For ya'll that laugh at me for being all old fashioned, watched the tables turn and you'll be faced with this counter-revolution of retro style songs hohoho~

16 August, 2010


I like the bay area weather being cloudy and foggy...in comparision to the HOT weather in LA.

However. i've been having dry eyes, itchy nose and throat, rapid sneezeing..ever since i got back home.

I have to always either 1) drink water 2) thoat drops/gum 3) eat something
to prevent a itchy throat

and put Rhoto drops every night before I sleep.

AIII!!! ;(

Mom says I"m not used to the weather here...I lived too long in LA and my body's not adjusting. Wow. that just gives her an excuse to not send me anywhere else out of the states coz my body cant handle different weather.

Alright. toodles. I didn't check fb or turned on my phone for a while and i'm too lazy to check it today..maybe tmw ;)

10 August, 2010

update. lifeless me =_+

for the past few days I was definitely feeling, as how my mom defines it: lifeless.

I didn't feel like doing any studying, eating, exercising, answering texts or calls...

Just being a so called "innocent bitch"
- doing things that i'm harming myself in and hurting others as well...


Like how the conversation went between Nodame Cantabile's Maestro Franz Streseman and Chaiki Shinichi:

Shinichi: Please, stop drinking and indulging in women so much, and live long.

Streseman: (smiles wryly) However, without drinking, women, and music, I die.

THAT WAS SO BASED ON MEMORY COZ I am lazy to find that part, it was in the episode after both their performances together and they were tired lying on different sofas talking.

I think that's how I am in ways as well...minus the drinking and women of coz. ..and the death part.
For without music, I limp and breathe without ambition. I am lifeless.

I realized I practice, I sing, I dance to relieve myself from becoming lifeless...
When I feel lifeless I feel..fatigued, tired, don't want to do homework, procrastination 10x best.


Now I know how to get my body recharged. WOOOOOOOOOO~ so happy

and sometimes...i wonder if this may be rather a curse than a blessing hmm

and now i'm super energetic. i woke up early to see the DJI tumbling down around 141 points lowest and then recharged a bit...

... damn why am i even looking at the stock market anymore! i gave up business years ago! puhuhuh

07 August, 2010


mini update right now coz i'm  about to "sleep"
basically i've been nocturnal: sleeping at 4am and waking up at 1pm

so i have to fix this craziness and start waking up early and sleeping early.


after replyiing fb walls i'm juust @_@ right now

now i [sort of] understand how it feels when girls rush up to guys and say "sign my yearbook!"
the guy takes a look at the yearbook and prays that others would have taken up most of the yearbook page space so he can just write "happy graduation! - "insert name and date" TOO BAD. yearbook has plenty of pages empty and others seemed to have written 1/2 page of wish-wells
ARGH. there's a implicit minimum space requirement on this! sad sad sad

my point is:  ...i totally forgot what i wrote that for..maybe tmw i can look at that and go...oh yeah, it was written bc of...___ and ___.

coz i'm just so pinheaded right now! woo

alright toodles ~ i really don't feel like editing pictures right now...maybe tmw after i feel like i've done something purposeful!

03 August, 2010

update + super junior

@ the alameda free library trying to dl my online lecs ;(
sigh i just dont like home internet...i cant even stream the first lecture AHHHHHHH

but then i have to hurry here as well coz i have to find parking to park my car later...ppl usually come back around 6pm ...less than 2 hours...i can do this !

No one: Super junior ;)

like the beat/ lyrics

all right toodles!


so if yall dont know already, my brother loves to wear my clothes...mostly the unisex ones (american apparel..)

so when i got back, i saw him wearing my blue hollister hoodie (it's big on me.. though, it goes down to 2 inches below my waist) and i'm like EWKLRJ:EWLJR:LEK

he says "what..if u leave it here wbat am i gonna do? stare at it?"

um..no. just dont wear my shit witout asking!


anyways, tired as hell lately. summer sessions c started today!
but i'm too lazy to view my lecs so ima just do it tmw and subsequently submit it then..wooo~

and of coz, plz...no more partying for this week...i'm already X_x

23 July, 2010



i really..didn't expect THAT to happen!! i know i'm a bit slow but i was updating my google chrome theme today and i clicked the top right and then saw the video +_=

been lazy this few days..didn't really do work till last minute...looks like i'm going to have a busy day tmw. ;(

19 July, 2010


i'm at my friend's place right now coz its his bday

well gonna have a nice dinner/hot pot and ...cake!

today i got my midterm scores back...not bad...i'm satisfied ;) however, i need to work harder to keep my grade ;(

my new computer is coming tuesday! YAYY!

18 July, 2010


came back to my dorm just now...

not that tired coz i cleaned myself after...getting all @#@)#(*@*()#@$(@*$#(

i know i didn't have a good sleep last night bc of my bloodshot eyes ;(

o well.. i really have to study so ... :(

i was gonna head back to my dorm last night to study but ended up wtih other plans ;(

17 July, 2010

study update

i'm being cooked in la...
with the sun spraying its rays 
roasting me...


so basically i'm being quite studious lately...i'm reading my articles and doing research for my term paper still... most likely i'm going to stay up tonight working on it coz omg...the heat is slowing me down. 

at night, it's the perfect atmosphere...ppl are quiet (less ...teh annoying girl who had sex next door 2 days ago ;( ) it's cooler than the day ( coz the sun aint cooking) 

N i'm more of a night person than day...

i'm quite sporadic now...i'm going to eat out with a friend i havent seen since spring qtr! so excited..but i hope to get back by 9 ish coz i really need to ...study.. 

and i really want to...

really want to...

WATCH MORE DRAMAS. and go on more shopping ... well my friend and i went shopping and filled up his car.... LOL and that huge ass bag with 100$ shit isn't mine! 

15 July, 2010


so basically,

my mom and i came to a consensus and decided to get me a sony vaio ea series... so no macbooks for me for a while :(

although today my friend let me borrow a macbook to use! thank you thank you! now i don't have to worry about finding a vacant computer to use in the computer labs...;)

today went to westfield century city to do a bit of mini shopping. my friend and i have bday in july so we just wanna spoil ourselves!! yayy

welll... the term paper can wait a day .. eh?

well... this is me sitting outside my dorm right now ...i know...tired as fuckk...
alright gonna do a bit more reading online then sleep =_+; but... i have to deal with no macbook for a LONG WHILE NOOOOOOO 

24 June, 2010

summer sessions ;( AGAIN.

it's only been 4 days and it felt like 2 weeks have passed. ;(
well...i'm taking a chinese intensive course at ucla. 15 units. basically covering a year of chinese in 9 weeks. the word intensive is such an UNDERSTATEMENT.

everyday i have to be on the edge of my seat. i can't sleep in class. i can't even doodle coz i'm taking notes. n there's always a chance i get called on ..for no reason. quizzes everyday of the week.

this is the WORSE for my body. my dark eye circles gets darker day after day.

so... to relieve stress,

i went to eat KBBQ. my friend was SO LUCKY. he happened to called me right when i had my phone with me and is "LOUD" profile (u BB freaks know what i mean) so i made time. woooo.

and also, maybe tmw i might have to go eat out as well with my other friend that i "vanished" on.

sigh. i have trouble with "friend-mgmt" (think time mgmt?) i suck and that's how i lose my friends... BOO HOO.

of course, it's my fault, and i def. live up to it...

anyways. tiem to study. write vocab words, think of waht to say for tmw's in lecture presentation, pick classes to enroll (my enrollment time is tmw...).

i didn't think summer will be this taxing. however, if i have the chance to choose a boring summer at home or a crazy stressful summer at ucla, i would rather choose the latter, because at least i am challenging myself and getting something done. no regrets i tell you.

actually, i may be regretting it coz the loss of beauty sleep is ...KILLING ME. SLOWLY! MY LEFT EYE JUST TWITCHED. and it's just FIRST WEEK.

alrights. toodles.

19 June, 2010

i came home to see one more fish and it's still alive and grown fatter ;_:

so my brother and i already bought our dad a father's day present.

it's an electronic bought from Best Buy Emeryville.
it's not really what we want or needed ...but he wanted this SO MUCH it's strangling our ears (like those...i dont really want u to get it but HINT HINT HINT)
it's something we all can use....to go on...the internet

u'll all see tmw when he unwraps and marvels at the splendor of a measely 19 + 17 year old gift...
- now...NO SHOPPING FOR A SUMMER because of this .



well... i suppose anything to make our father happy will make us happy.

because of this i wasn't able to practice last night. CURSES!!!

but i went to home depot and bought spray lacquer paint to overlay the nasty epoxy glue that my mom and i fixed my instrument with. SO NASTY. it's like...white slime. but it doesn't affect the overall sound :)
going back to la TMW night. ;( that means i go back and start SCHOOOOOOLLLL!!!!!!! immediately.
coz i'll be back around 8:30 am ... unless i drive 80 mph on the 5... (i have a feeling my dad is doing less of the driving for me coz he's sooo tired ;() my class starts at 9am so ...whoo. reality SUCKS

school is gonna go from 9am- 4pm.... welcome back k-12 education =_=;;;

alights. enough updates. ;)

ALL IN ONE PC!!!! they rule heheheh. when will apple come up with TOUCH SCREEN imacs?

14 June, 2010


i woke up around 5:20 am coz i can't sleep ;(

there's a fly zooming about around my bed and makes this zzzzz noise.

the pitch of the zzzzz increases...WEIRD.
usually it'd decrease coz it sucks blood and has to fly slower

after i was bitten once i can't sleep...

i remembered the 2nd day i came back i got bit

2 bites on forehead
3 on left cheek
1 on right jaw line
2 just above my right brow
1 below my right brow

which just REMINDED me why i wanted to go back to LA so bad...back to the Rieber Vista days where there's AC and a goodnight's sleep ;(

anyways. more flies killing commence!

07 June, 2010

I am about to explode my eyes out of my sockets!

After a whole all-nighter last night of watching all 11 episodes of Nodame Contabile...I have to do my final project ...NAO.

Well.. watching the drama was part of the project! lolol. I am writing about the usage of classical music in the film, and how the drama is well-received despite classical music sales are fallingggggg

yeah yeah. i think i can write a good 10 pages with that ;(

Anyways. Still at Powell library ;9
THANKYOU night powell! Now. let more writing commence! ;(

now i want! lol

03 June, 2010

California Gurls!

So I am listening to California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dog) sung by Katy Perry.
Be sure to spell "Gurls" coz "California Girls" is by The Beach Boys

This single was also rank 1 in billboard digital Song Chart! :)

I was curious and read a few comments people wrote, and mostly many are saying her voice sounds a close to Ke$ha's.

I don't think this should be compared though, we're following this style of singing, not neccessarily impersonating the singer.

As I was walking to class (more like brisk-walking coz I'm late), I heard something


in the lyrics.

Let me explain:
This is Snoop Dog's Rap:

Tone Tan
Fit and ready
Turn it up cause its gettin' heavy
Wild wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like shes the one
Kiss her
Touch her
Squeeze her

The girls a freak
She drives a jeep
The men on the beach
I'm okay
I wont play
I love the bait
Just like I love LA
Venice beach
And Palm Springs

Summer time is everything

I just find it funny coz he said VENICE Beach and PALM SPRINGS. AHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA
Ok not really anymore. Coz the song is about the California beaches and girls on the coast, then out of nowhere, Palm Springs comes up. It's like the songwriter cannot think of anything else to say ...like "santa monica" is too long, or "Huntington Beach" is ..also too long... so Palm Springs it is!

Well. Palm Springs is about 2 hours


of UCLA, and to me that's quite far inland. it takes 2 hrs to get to SAN DIEGO from UCLA...so now you have a bit of comparison. CRAZY! I would go there for...desert parties...? It gets windy like SF at nights coz it's near the hills. Looks like typical suburbs...i'm thinking Cupertino/palo alto ish ...steven creek road lookalike LOL

He also included Venice Beach!! Nice place to go...never been there before tho, but from the reviews I have seen on the web (you can search around), it doesn't seem like a place where Beach Blondes go....

Overall, Love the song. coz I'm born in California anyways...
still... haven't watched it yet ...i'm not a movie person but would love to ;|
Alrights gotta finish essay. & also, FOLLOW ME.

27 May, 2010


finally got my wallet sized batch via online order!!
the quality is AWESOME!!

: )

i'm soo old schoool :D
I remembered the good ol' times when my friends and I go take studio pics, then trade/give them out to other friends for safe keeping

i still have my old batches! o how times have changed!!

Now we can produce our own wallet sized photos! ;)

this image doesn't do justice!
just think of prom pics quality!!!


waiting for my other batch!

16 May, 2010


Note: I am contemplating about changing the title of my blog. One of my readers has noted that it sounds so "Christian" I didn't even realize! haha

Of the 19 years of my life, I realized that my name is pronounced in 2 ways.

Most of my friends call me "Jes-sic-ca" 3 syllables

However, I am starting to get people that call me "Jess-ka" 2 syllables


Usually when I introduce myself I would pronounce my name with 3 syllables, because...

when my dad named me, my name was pronounced in 3 syllables. Maybe it's easier to pronounce...

now that i think of it, I like my name in 2 syllables more, bc Chinese people like to make fun of my name by the direct translation of "jerk see ka" (BIRD POOP) in Canto...

WHY give me that name!?

I NEVER had birds poop on top of my head before. EVER. or my body.

So i just had people call me Jes. NOT with 2 "s" but 1 only bc the 2nd "S" is silent anyways... I'm not French

there was 1 youtube reader that would sign her name as "Chesska"
I LIKE. I gave that comment a thumbs up just coz I like her name MUHAHAHAHAHA~

From now on. Everyone. CALL ME JES. JESSKA, BUT NOT JESS SIC KA.



JK. call me whatever you want. i don't care =_=;;

but for sure when i intro myself to ANYONE it'll be in 2 syllables. trustt me

12 May, 2010

update + BONAMANA MV came out today!!

will update tmw! this week has been quite busy!!


Super Junior's comeback single "Bonamana" This beat is quite unconventional to pop music due to the employment of 8 beats instead of 4/4. That's why a lot of people are saying there's a "Bollywood" feel to this track. So just count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2...

I say this is awesome...shock people out of 4/4...maybe people will do 6/8..soon, but i doubt because 8 count is as close as it gets to 4...

What do you all think?

From the comments on the video, a lot commented on the resemblance to "Sorry Sorry." I don't see it!! Can somebody enlighten me? :[

11 May, 2010


dragged myself to class today... omgomgomg so TIRED

but the professors were quite fun today

one of them ran around in a circle on stage, and said, "i'm trying to not run so fast so I wont fall down the stage and go 'BOOM'" i laughed...no cackled.

He looks like this:

awesome professor. like his crazy life stories

alrights. but my FAVORITE PROFESSOR at UCLA was

he taught me math 31a whoo~

don't be fooled by his appearence
his voice gets even funnier during lectures
i would say he's highly effective
the only con is if u aren't just taking his class to fulfill a requirement and really in for "learning" then u're in the wrong class
his course is entertainment.

actually, another con is during finals
he's the type to READ your exam after u turned it in hot and fresh
then he beckons his head TA over and cackles at your exam in Chinese
true story. it made me turn in my exam 1/2 hour later than intended

09 May, 2010


hello all readers!

ty for viewing my blog! i really appreciate all of you that took the busy busy time out of your day to read my stories!!

to thank you all, i might post up something cool in the next 3 days!! i dont' know which day, depending on how fast i finish my assignments due the next 3 days ;[

i procrastinated today and hung out with the same 2 ppl for 12 HOURS. there were altogether 5 ppl to begin with, and then it dwindled down to just 3 of us coz it's mother's day. and then we practically just chatted and did hella random shit the whole day...

worth it? ... YES. ALL procrastination tactics are definitely worthwhile if it's some huge studying stint that'll commence for ....HOURS.

mama tang is still home in norcal so i cant really do much
i always want to send her stuff but she'll just bitch me out for being so cheap at what i buy...;|


I LOVE. LOVE. THIS beat. Fedde Le Grand ft Ida Cor: Let Me Think About It

It's just a dance beat folks, don't get too excited and try to search for the lyrics coz it aint there!
i think this is a great track to dance to in a club~

This track is used throughout the recording of on 5/5/2010

If you just want to watch the gist, skip to .51 secs and u'll see "Dance Flow" dancing to the track.


ok. imma outs gotta do HW!!

08 May, 2010


I shall start off this post with a video:

this is a 3 year old dance song. It's still top 20 in mp3.baidu. in the dj charts

Song name:觸電

S.H.E. also has a song with the same title so don't get confused!

Artist: 芭比
... it's ..."ba bi" in mandarin ...reminds me of "barbie" ahha

I like the girl vocals, DISLIKE the guy part. omg why does he keep saying "huh!..huh!" It's such a distraction that I wish his parts were taken out!!

I like how in the KTV, 芭比 did a lot of Vogue-like movements. so cool~

Reminds me of the annoying guy in

well...he's not that annoying. but anywaysss
enough of my music rants lol

07 May, 2010

My Nose Stud Story

Let me begin my post with my face.

if you look closely, u can see my nose stud on my right nostril.

it's really small bc i didn't want a nose ring! n i wanted something cute!

I had this pierced at Freak Chic in Melrose approx. 3 week ago. Mat Joseph is my piercer and he's SO pro at what he's doing that it's worth paying the amount! (wont disclose here but if u pm me i'll let u know)

Well, if you're in the area and interested, I had a 5 Star amazing experience there. YELP reviewers also agree:

I get asked questions from my crazy friends like,

Q: What happens when u get sick?

A: I don't know yet coz i didn't get sick, but i suppose i just have to be extra careful. However, when i blow my nose the air from my nostrils will push my stub upwards (almost a comical effect)

Q: What's really inside your nose? Is there a backing?

A: When i was picking out the stud i wanted, the studs look like this:

After it was pierced, I felt the shape seems like :

so the piercing doesn't just slide out. removing the stud is quite tricky & my piercer suggested i go back to him to remove/change studs

A: No. i felt a tear trickle out of involuntary response, but otherwise i felt no pain. i give it a 2/10 ... LOBES hurt more. trust me.

Q: Was ur nose pierced with a needle or gun?
A: needle. For sanitary reasons, ALWAYS get ur piercings done with needle. I had my cartilage(both sides) pierced with a gun and I am thankful it healed well. I have two lobe piercings each side: with gun and needle. Needle is less painful, and won't pop any arteries and a pro knows how to prevent infections!

So to readers who had their nose pierced with a stud, you may have gone through the process where the stud has SUNKEN into the nose like quicksand. It seems REALLY scary coz it might just sink right into the nostrils and there'll be a HUGE hole in ur nose.
My stud has sunken in the first week, and that is why when I hung out with my friends they thought it was really small. but as weeks go by, my stud grew back out bc my skin is healing, and my friends usually make remarks about how that's the only thing they stare at bc it's SO INTRIGUING.
Also, if your stud has sunken in, do not panic crazily. studs normally will do this. that's why usually pros will reccommend getting pierced with a loop first. Keep pushing your stud up from ur nostrils at all times, and eventually, ur nose will heal and ur body won't reject the piercing. Just clean it!!!

Q: what do u use to clean it? do u use H20?
A: I know other people use H20, but I use a cleanser lotion, given to me by my piercer. I clean my stud and the occasional grime near it with a Qtip dipped with a pea sized amount of c-lotion, then dip the other side of the qtip with water to lightly 'rinse.' I do this two times a day. When I wake up and before I sleep.

Works well. no infections. healing nicely.

Piercing should be healed in 3 months, and it's best to keep the piercing on for a year.

Q: How do u like..wash ur face?
A: be very careful around the pierced area...i'm very gentle with my face anyways

Q: So if you take off the piercing, can u like breathe a tiny bit-ish through ur pierced hole?

Q: Will you ever change your stud?
A: Depends. i m really a lazy person.

02 May, 2010


i hate procrastinating the day before the exam...
i have less than 24 hrs to study ..and i know the midterm is gonna be hard...

i'm going to head to Rieber computer lab and cram @_@

this is how tired i look right now boo hoo ;[

30 April, 2010



my eyes are freaking bloodshot even after i slept for 12 hours and napped for 2 more...

I don't know where my eye drops are....
my right eye hurts yesterday...and i let it burn by dripping ROHTO DROPS...


EM #3

Well this is for the college girls out there.

I don't know about you, but I HATE walking up and down bruin walk. and it's not that i get tired of the walk...

It's coz something like this might happen:

Oh yes. THIS DOES HAPPEN when I walk down the hill.

I hate how this happen...or omg...when some girls be wearing their stockings...and wear a long shirt/tunic...n when they wear their backpacks...so the shirt rides up. Then if the girls hot, the guys will be just walking behind her... and if the girl's not, the guys will laugh. (TRUE story...i really hear them talk ;[ )

I'm not laughing at these girls, i'm just letting ya know, girls, we gotta be careful!!

Well, I don't even know if this has happen to me, but when i wear shorts probably....i think 1 time when i was walking up, i was wearing really loose hollister shorts and a jansport backpack, so if my shorts did ride up..it's possible.
i didn't hear anyone laughing behind me so idk

RECCOMMENDATION: safety shorts!!
i wear them under my skirts and i feel so much more comfortable wearing skirts out.
i bought 2 pairs from forever 21 at 3rd st promenade,
i went back yesterday to stock up but i don't see it anymore

My safety shorts look like this :

If i have an oversized tee, i'll just wear it over the shorts (it covers the shorts anyways) to work out hehe

Well, along with heading to good o' Forever,
I also went to Sake House (SO GOOOD) with my friends Arlene & Audrey

They are so much fun to hangout with!!
I didn't take any pics of myself coz i got terrible bloodshot eyes and the food was much more enticing... It was so hard keeping myself from drooling while processing the food pics ;[

That was my FOURTH time going there. I really like their food. I know it's not like authentic authentic* japanese food coz the waiters sound korean and everything is like the chop suey of Chinese food but ..I gotta say the food is good enough for a poor college kid like me!

Ambience is awesome!! Love the flowers. Love how it's synthetic coz i have pollen allergies.

We came during Happy Hour coz we get REALLY good cheap food!!
This is their Crispy Tuna for $3 ONLY! (you get 2 servings..it's only 1 here)

The tuna is really...good .

What was SUMPTUOUS was the fresh half shelled oysters..It warranted an Usher OMGOSHH

Then we got the Monster Roll. It's $7 coz it was happy hour! Spicy tuna on top with wtvr stuff in there i dont remember i just loved the tuna!!

I have such bad memory coz i don't know what these are..then it's probably not like WOW to me but still good:


Lastly we ordered fried tofu! I am personally not a huge fan of tofu coz it just taste... like fermented beans..I love tofu hua (tofu cake?) so good

This is awesome with the sweet soysauce

but caution, it's REALLY hot when served so careful!!

Overall a good experience. I'm going to head back there again(when my parents come visit~)!! YAYY!

I have a good EM for tmw yes yes yes I am even twitching just thinking about it.
If i remember that is lol~
Until tmw! More pics ... +_+